
A tea ceremony /BYC meeting at 2012.03.10


We had a demonstration of a tea ceremony by Sahsha from Russia at BYC project meeting. He is a tea ceremony meister, started leaning ca. 10 years ago, even he is still 27 years old.


During an interesting ceremony, he talked us about a relationship between tea ceremony and spirituality, how to appreciate a tea cup, how to enjoy the ceremony etc.  and his manner was really beautiful!  


Took a photo during a quiet preparation by meister..


(仮称)大隆寺プロジェクト/ Project Dairyuji-temple


We had a meeting at a Dairyuji-temple in Hida-Takayama. The chief of priest of a temple was so pleased with our proposal. after the meeting, we did a survey and measure of whole site in snow weather. We are leaping for joy because we can join such a nice project in this site surrounded by rich forest. 

加賀のアルバム/ The album of Kaga project

加賀の竣工写真を撮って下さった新進気鋭のカメラマン西嶋 祐二さんが,なんと竣工写真で記念アルバムを作ってくれました.そしてこれがまた素晴らしいできなのです!今日はその一部をご紹介します.

A young and spirited photographer Yuji Nishijima who took the photos of Kaga project made us the memorial album. and it is so brilliant and cool!! We introduce some pages of it. 

The front cover.

And the back cover. the design is each view of a window which connects between doma-space and dinning space.

We will present it as gratitude for the client and carpenters who did the great works during this project. Thanks Nishijima-san!!