
住宅特集2013年01月号/JUTAKUTOKUSHU 2013:01

「70歳の原風景を取り戻す改修」が12月19日発売の「新建築 住宅特集 2013年01月号」に御掲載いただきました.カメラマンさんの撮影技術と素晴らしい編集により,面白い内容になっていると思います.是非,お近くの書店などで手にとっていただければ嬉しく思います.

Our first work "A Renovation to recover the scenery of 70 years old man's memory" is published on the magazine "SHINKENCHIKU JUTAKUTOKUSHU 2013/01". Because of camera technique  and great editing, this article became interesting. Please check it out at Bookshop.


雪の大隆寺/Dairyuji temple of Snow


We are in Hida-Takayama for Dairyuji temple project this week, and we have heavy snow even it is still beginning of December. The project is in progress for starting construction at next spring, so the time of the melting snow.  


This magnolia tree is already on winter-mode, it had a lot of leaves until quite recently though. beautiful... 


秋の大隆寺/ Dairyuji temple in autumn


We had a meeting at Dairyuji temple in Hida-Takayama.  The first stage of "redevelopment of the temple" goes into a important phase. We could confirm mutual understanding for cooperation with constractors to make good project even the budget and conditions are restricted.

写真は本堂から続く大階段を下った先にある弁天堂(1801年建立)です.これは高山市の指定文化財に指定されており, 内部の天井には,美しい絵が描かれています.年に一度の公開日には多くの見物客で賑わうとのこと.

This photo is the Bentendo Hall (erected in 1801) whick locates under a long stair leads from Hondo Hall. There are beautiful drawings on a ceiling inside this building, for that a lot of spectators come to see them at opening day once a year.


This photo is at a memorial service held on next day of a meeting. We could join such a grateful event that chanting names of Buddha and preise him.


We wish that we could make a nexus to next generation with re-creation and recognition of these historical tradition and excellence of culture. 


住宅プロジェクト打ち合わせ/ A meeting of a house project


We had a meeting of a house project in Kawagoe. Though it just began, the meeting was so fruitful that gives us a good perspective from now.   


She is Asa-chan, a daughter of client family. She eats lot, laughs lot, so expressive, so cute merry child. We wish we could design this house that receives and watches the growth of such children tenderly.



加賀再訪/ Revisit Kaga


The other day, we visited “A Renovation to recover the scenery of 70years old man’s memory” in Kaga again, when a magazine reporter came to see it.

大きな吹抜の土間空間は相変わらずの存在感でした.日本海からの心地よい海風が土間空間を通り抜け,蒸し暑い日でしたが,ここはとても涼しく気持ち良い場所でした.思わず寝転ぶと, ダイナミックな大梁が目に飛び込んで来ます.

A doma-space has a dynamism and symbolism as always. A sea breeze goes through this space, it makes a comfortable space even it was hot and humid weather. When I lay down on the floor in spite of myself, then dynamic roof structures come into my view.


The client is enjoying a new life in his native place, ex. starting to make a vegetable field, setting a his own favorite interior etc.


His joyfully smile was very impressive for us, when he talks to us about his life. We were also so happy and found again that we worked for this smile.


敷地見学/ A site survey


The other day, we went to see a site of new house project. This place is located in calm suburb of Kawagoe city, Saitama pref. 


This photo is a view of rice field in front of the site. A very comfortable wind is blowing through with a smell of plants. We could feel a favor of nature so much. We are thankful to a client family who gave us such a wonderful opportunity, and want to enjoy this project from now.     


庭を造る最初の一歩/ The first step of gardening


We had some meetings with gardeners and landscape architects who have good techniques and knowledge.


A gardener told us how to care trees, how to play with nature, and appreciate the gift of nature. Furthermore a landscape architect told us first thing about gardening, for instance, Fraxinus griffithii and oak is planted in the west to keep out the late afternoon sun, cherry tree cannot be transplant in the summer etc.


What so excited was, we went the plant wholesale market where various trees are planted in order.


We found a favorite tree at first sight, because of its fine looking and silhouette.
How wonderful if such a beautiful zelkova is planted in a garden.


It might be interesting to start with going to plant wholesale market, when you want to design a garden.


新緑の季節/ A season of fresh green leaves



We had a meeting of Dairyuji temple project. What amazing was, there were full of fresh green leaves. There was no green in April when we visited last time. Plants have an amazing life force.

He is a chief priest of this temple, who you see in this photo. He tells us not only about project, but also teaching of Zen, it is so fruitful time for us.


It will be good space, where we are planning a square under this magnolia. How nice when here become a cozy place.


This is a veranda space in existing temple. It makes us calm down when we see such a beautiful Japanese traditional space.


大鹿村にて/ at Ooshika village


Recently we visited Nobi-san, a sitar artist who living in the heart of mountain, Ooshika village in Nagano pref. This village locates in deep valley we've never experienced,  you can see a super view of the Alps like Mt. Akaishi etc..


He showed us the village and we enjoyed beautiful nature so much. What we understood was, most beatiful places are always places where human being didn't enter. We human beings make disharmony by land development and construction work for pursuit of human's convenience. The things good for human is not always good for nature. We thought our life style from now is living along with nature .   


A big ground tunnel of the linear shinkansen is planned now in front of his house, in several hundred meters such a beautiful view point. If it is realized, a gigantic massive concrete will across the valley. And when this construction starts, then a river will be filled for traffic way. It will be impossible to live this village any more, because of a construction noise which made by 24H digging.  


Opeining this linear highway needs a huge money and destroy a large scale of nature in south-alps. Furthermore, it makes electromagnetic waves so much which give a bad influence on the human body, and it consumes three times of normal shinkansen's electric power. but the population of Japan is getting decrease gradually everyday,  and from now it might not be overconcentration in the metropolitan area anymore. These are totally go against the current. 


A merit of this linear way might be reduction of time, but our frank opinion is, it is really needed to shorten several minutes between Tokyo - Osaka. The current shinkansen is already enough, isn't it?  It is very important for us "to know one has enough".


We can see a common feature in a capitalistic social system, ex. nuclear problem, financial money game etc., which comes from egoistic thought by human being. We are thinking to work with next vision. 


フォレストカフェ/ FOREST CAFE

GW最終日は,私達が照明計画でいつもお世話になっているYH氏が企画し,照明計画をしたというマッサージサロン&カフェ,FOREST CAFEにお招きいただき打ち合わせをしてきました.こちら内装設計の方は伊庭野大輔+藤井亮介/id+frのお二人によるものです.

We had a meeting at FOREST CAFE which produced and lighting designed by Mr.YH, who we are collaborating on lighting plan of our projects. And the interior design is by id+fr.


It was interesting that hanging woods looks like making a loose and swinging surface above. These wood branchs came from suburb of Tokyo. This sophisticated but not kitsch design gives sympathy. Woods threw their shadows on a wall made by diatomite. Mr.YH told that he cared a lot for these lighting because it is not enough ceiling height to make good shadows.   


There is a massage salon on upper floor, and it looks also very good. We recommend to try when you come in Gotanda in Tokyo. 


立派な地場材/ Excellent local materials


We went to Hida-Takayama for the project D from last week until this week, in order to have meetings with a client, a construction company, at city hall and attend an executive meeting. 


A construction company we met first time was so nice. They have a lot of fine works in wooden architecture by special carpenters, ex. houses, shrines and temples and public buildings... They showed their workspace and storage of rare woods, like the Japanese cypress and chestnut trees. They are well versed in local wooden materials.


It was really great that such big wood materials have so dynamic form and beauty. It's easy to imagine that if we would have such a wooden pillar in the center of living space, how nice daily life will be.    


We are always thinking an importance to make use of traditional local stuffs and to promote harmony with nature. It is so fantastic that if using local materials for a building would contribute to the earth.    


In the project site, Many buds of a Magnolia tree signaled the arrival of spring... 


A tea ceremony /BYC meeting at 2012.03.10


We had a demonstration of a tea ceremony by Sahsha from Russia at BYC project meeting. He is a tea ceremony meister, started leaning ca. 10 years ago, even he is still 27 years old.


During an interesting ceremony, he talked us about a relationship between tea ceremony and spirituality, how to appreciate a tea cup, how to enjoy the ceremony etc.  and his manner was really beautiful!  


Took a photo during a quiet preparation by meister..


(仮称)大隆寺プロジェクト/ Project Dairyuji-temple


We had a meeting at a Dairyuji-temple in Hida-Takayama. The chief of priest of a temple was so pleased with our proposal. after the meeting, we did a survey and measure of whole site in snow weather. We are leaping for joy because we can join such a nice project in this site surrounded by rich forest. 

加賀のアルバム/ The album of Kaga project

加賀の竣工写真を撮って下さった新進気鋭のカメラマン西嶋 祐二さんが,なんと竣工写真で記念アルバムを作ってくれました.そしてこれがまた素晴らしいできなのです!今日はその一部をご紹介します.

A young and spirited photographer Yuji Nishijima who took the photos of Kaga project made us the memorial album. and it is so brilliant and cool!! We introduce some pages of it. 

The front cover.

And the back cover. the design is each view of a window which connects between doma-space and dinning space.

We will present it as gratitude for the client and carpenters who did the great works during this project. Thanks Nishijima-san!!


BYCプロジェクトのご紹介/ The introduction of BYC project

先日1月21日に総勢20名近くのヨガの先生,クッキングシェフ,アーティストetc. BYCメンバーに集まっていただき,有意義なミーティングができました.  

We had a fruitful meeting at Jan.21th with 20 BYC members, Yoga-teachers, cooking chefs, artists etc. 


BYC(Bhakti Yoga Center) project is the complex of cafe, studio, residence which will be opened in the summer of 2013 at Nishiazabu, Tokyo. The concept of BYC is " The place to return one's true self", and it provides the awareness through a practice of Yoga, Vedic culture, Japanese traditional culture, and the process to accept of yourself as you are.


And also an aim of BYC is to become a bit fool and happy person who are thinking seriously to give pleasure to god even he has never seen god, and enjoying the relationship with all living things.  


A lot of events are planned now, for example, many kinds of Yoga lessons, Indian philosophy class, Kirtan(Mantra Music),  eating Yoga class, Ayurveda class, Japanese tea ceremony etc. and also another ideas for exciting workshop is coming up, ex. Miso/Umeboshi making class, a natural childbirth class, Ayurvedic cold medicine class and Ninja workshop(!?) with a famous master Ninja inveited from East europe, etc. etc.  The meeting was really came alive.    


Tailored design Lab. are working with full of pleasure to make a brand concept, architectural planning and also business planning, so total process of this project. It is so happy the network of BYC will be extend more and more!!  


Each BYC teachers will organize the events from now, so we will introduce them in this blog. 


Ms. Yamuna is a.k.a the owner of delicious restaurant "Govinda's", the author of "Eating Yoga", and also the mother of Nakano, she already started BYC pre-event and next event will be held at Feb.19th, so let's join it! 

以下にヤムナさんのブログを ↓↓ Yamuna's blog below 




A happy new year 2012!! We wish everyone has a happy, healthy, smiley this year!! We're already looking forward to see the wonderful year!!