GW最終日は,私達が照明計画でいつもお世話になっているYH氏が企画し,照明計画をしたというマッサージサロン&カフェ,FOREST CAFEにお招きいただき打ち合わせをしてきました.こちら内装設計の方は伊庭野大輔+藤井亮介/id+frのお二人によるものです.
We had a meeting at FOREST CAFE which produced and lighting designed by Mr.YH, who we are collaborating on lighting plan of our projects. And the interior design is by id+fr.
It was interesting that hanging woods looks like making a loose and swinging surface above. These wood branchs came from suburb of Tokyo. This sophisticated but not kitsch design gives sympathy. Woods threw their shadows on a wall made by diatomite. Mr.YH told that he cared a lot for these lighting because it is not enough ceiling height to make good shadows.
There is a massage salon on upper floor, and it looks also very good. We recommend to try when you come in Gotanda in Tokyo.