
竣工!そしてオープンハウス/ The completion and Open-house


We had a completion of the project in Kaga. There are some emotions in our mind, a satisfaction and real feeling for the finale of this project which cooperated with a client and constructeres, and a loneliness for separation which like a baby bird leaves the nest. Anyway it was great time ever...

今回の仕事を通して本当に勉強になったことは多々ありますが,その一つが,「時間・歴史を尊重し,大事にすること.そしてそれを施しをもって次の世代へ受け継いでいくことの重要性を肌で感じたこと」です.今の世の中,インスタントで便利,短期的で今だけよければ,というモノや考え方が多くみられますが,本当の豊かさとは,時間・伝統・人情などなど 決してお金では計れないようなところにあるんじゃないかな,ということが本当に良くわかりました.

We learnt a lot of things through this project, but most impressive one was "how important to respect the time and history, and succeed it to next generation". There are many things which made by only instant and convenient, short-range vision etc. around our life, but we realized that true richness is impossible to calculate by a money price like time, tradition, humanity.


more than 10 people visited and shared this atmosphere at Open-house even the faraway, ex. from Tokyo, Kyoto etc..


The impressive things was the client talked and explained to visitors about the history of this house, the memory of his boyhood, and this re-borned house. It was the most happy reward for us.